Visiting a local jeweler to have your finger sized is the only way to guarantee a perfect fit. Please note that each finger will have a different size.

Like to order a measurement tool? Please order one via our online shop right here.

As there are different charts below you will find an overview with the different sizes. All sizes in the ADORN shop are conform the Netherlands and Europe chart.

Europe size in mm NL UK US & Canada China Japan HK Switzerland
48 15¼ 8 8 9
49 15½  5 9
50 16 K 5.5 10 11 10
51 16¼ L 5¾ 11 12 11¾
52 16½ 6 12 11 13 12¾
53 17 13 13 14 14
54 17¼ 7 14 14 15 15¼
55 17½ O 7¼ 14.5 16
56 18 P 7¾ 15.5 17
57 18¼ 8 16 17¾
58 18½ 17
59 19 R 8¾ 18 19 19
60 19¼ S 9¼
